Twin Babies
The Law Offices of
Karen R. Lane
A Professional Corporation


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Dear Adopting Parents

Dear Birth Parents

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Legal Services: California Clients
Legal Services: Out of State Clients
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Legal Services: California Clients

WE PROVIDE SERVICES TO CLIENTS THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA. Unlike some agencies with specific guidelines, there are no age, race, ethnic, religious or sexual orientation barriers to who may adopt. Clients do not need to have a perfect history to adopt - do not be put off if you have health issues, prior marriages, or other problems in your past. We work with clients who are already matched with a birth parent and others who need our guidance to locate a birth parent. We provide all requisite legal services before and after birth to assure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. California offers its residents two parallel legal processes: an independent adoptive placement and an agency adoptive placement:

In an independent adoption, the birth mother is provided personal information about the adoptive parents and “chooses” them to adopt her baby. A social worker, known as an adoption service provider, advises and counsels the birth parent before the birth about her rights and the legal process. After the birth, the social worker revisits the birth parent to witness the signing of her consent to the adoption. While the birth parent has 30 days to revoke consent, she can and usually does sign a waiver of her right to revoke consent.

In an agency adoption, a birth mother can relinquish her rights to the agency wherein the agency will make the decision who will adopt the baby. This is the traditional agency placement; however, agencies now allow birth parents to have involvement in choosing the adoptive parents whether closed (anonymous) or open (identified). In identified agency placements, the agency does not usually introduce or “match” the birth parents and adoptive parents, but does provide services: a social worker will counsel the birth parent prior to birth and a couple days after birth, will have that parent sign a relinquishment of rights. If the birth parent resides out of state, the California agency will enlist the assistance of a licensed state agency.

Prospective clients should be forewarned not to rely on this information which, at best, is a snapshot of a complicated legal process that can change by statute and regulation. 


  10940 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 1600
Los Angeles, California  90024

Telephone: 424-228-7727
Cellular: 310-663-3467


The Law Offices of Karen R. Lane

Specializing in:
Independent Adoptions; Agency Adoptions; Interstate Adoptions; Adult Adoptions;
Step-Parent Adoptions; Guardianships; Mediation


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