About Your Decision
Frequently Asked Questions
About Your Decision
In today’s adoption world, you create the adoption that works best for you. You are in complete control of your Adoption Plan. You choose the adopting parents and determine how much contact you want with them both before and after the birth of your baby. In most states, it is reasonable and proper for adopting parents to pay for your medical expenses, living expenses and maternity clothing, and legal fees. You can even decide to relocate to give birth and your transportation and housing will be arranged for you.
I have worked for over 30 years with women who have made this most difficult decision to place their newborn for adoption. Once you have arrived at the conclusion that this is the most responsible decision to afford both you and the baby a chance at a more secure future, I help you create a friendly and supportive environment during your pregnancy.
While I hope to be recognized for legal expertise and ethical practice, I strive to be equally recognized for compassion and integrity. I am surprised by the deep feelings I get every time we receive a letter or call from a birth parent thanking us for helping find the perfect family and for helping them feel so good about their decision.
Our office is small, and you will have my undivided attention. I am here to create a support system for you and to help you through a difficult period emotionally and financially. I recognize that you will experience many emotional ups and downs, and hope to maintain for you a place you can always turn to for comfort and support for your adoption plan and direction to better your overall life situation.
Your inquiries are completely personal and confidential and will stay that way unless you advise otherwise. If nothing else, you will be better informed about the option of adoption. In some cases, I may offer you other resources that could assist you in one way or another. I will give advice to you to protect yourself from being exploited or manipulated. Whatever your ultimate decision, it is always best to have weighed in on the alternatives of raising your child or placing your child into a loving home, so that your decision is thoughtful and deliberate, and you can make realistic plans.
I congratulate you on taking this step in deliberating about adoption. I welcome your
call, so I can discuss your personal situation in hopes of providing you guidance and working with you in the best interests of both you and your child.
Warm Regards,